Bird news - April 18, 2022

Bird news
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Overcast with light rain.

Polichnitos Salt Pans

(Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Glossy Ibis 18 

Grey Heron 16

Whinchat 20


Great Crested Grebe 2, off-shore (Eric Cameron- ebird)

White Stork 2  (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Northern Lapwing 1, Common Snipe 1  (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Curlew Sandpiper 1, Ruff 30, Wood Sandpiper 10 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Kalloni Pans

(Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Lesser Grey Shrike 1- 1st SPRING ARRIVAL

Pallid Harrier 1, ad. M 

Red-footed Falcon 3

Gull-billed Tern, Little Stint

Pallid Harrier (Jonathan Burrell)
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Curlew Sandpiper (Kevin Hazelgrove)
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Tsiknias river lower area

Black Stork 1

Glossy Ibis 18 (Jacco Slomp- Observado)

Pied Avocet 1, Wood Sandpiper 1 (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Marsh Sandpiper 2, Greenshank 1 (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Common Tern 15 (Kevin Hazelgrove- LB FB)

Greater Short-toed Lark 2 (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Citrine Wagtail 1, M (Jacco Slomp- Observado)

Hundreds of hirundines

Skala Kallonis

(Eric Cameron- ebird)

Whiskered Tern 1, offshore, standing on a buoy - 1st SPRING ARRIVAL

Golden Oriole 1 (Jacco Slomp- Observado)

Ennia Kamares (Christou)

Common Shelduck 4, Flamingo 30, Avocet 7

Metochi Lake

Squacco Heron 1

Great Reed Warbler (Eric Cameron- ebird)

Parakila marsh

Ruddy Shelduck 2, Flamingo 4

Black-winged Stilt 8

Greenshank 2

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Faneromeni, Sigri

(Steve Bird & Gina bebbe Nichols- LBN FB)

Little Crake 2, Citrine Wagtail 1, F (lower ford)

Tree Pipit 20

Collared, Pied & Spotted Flycatchers (10 each)

Montagu's Harrier 1

Yelkouan & Scopoli's Shearwaters, offshore

Tsichliontas (Meladia) valley, Eresos

(Steve Bird & Gina bebbe Nichols- LBN FB)

Purple Heron 2

Golden Oriole 10 

Barred Warbler 1, Savi's Warbler 1

Collared, Pied & Spotted Flycatchers (10 each)

Ortolan Bunting 2

Red-footed Falcon 1, M

Citrine Wagtail (Steve Bird)
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Collared Flycatcher (Steve Bird)
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(Eric Cameron- ebird)

Chukar 3

Common Quail 2

Sub-alpine Warbler 2

Masked Shrike 1

Pied Flycatcher 2

Molivos reservoir

(Eric Cameron- ebird)

Ruddy Shelduck 2, Garganey 1

Black-winged Stilt 3

Marsh Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1

Wood Sandpiper 3

Little Sint 3

Eastern Orphean Warbler 2, Sub-alpine Warbler 2

Woodchat Shrike 4


Pamfila marsh

Cattle Egret 1

Complete checklists submitted online can be accessed here:

e-bird  (updated throughout the year and where we submit the Kalloni EIC records in the long term)

observado- lesvos (active during April-May and September by Dutch visitor birders)

bird-track (by British visitor birders)

Share your own records

Please, submit your records via the above databases, share them on Facebook (Lesvos Bird News or Lesvos Birders groups), or send them directly to us here.

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